Flip Klijn


Director IAE, Research Scientist, CSIC and BSE Research Professor
Ph.D. in Economics, Tilburg University, 2000
Personal Webpage

Short Biography

Flip Klijn is scientific director and a research scientist of the Institute for Economic Analysis (CSIC) and a research professor at the Barcelona School of Economics. He holds a M.Sc. in Mathematics from Radboud University Nijmegen (NL) and a Ph.D. in Economics from Tilburg University (NL). His main research areas are matching theory, market design, game theory, social choice theory, and operations research. He has published in leading journals such as American Economic Review, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Theory, and Mathematics of Operations Research. He has been a research fellow at Harvard Business School and has held visiting research chairs at Aix-Marseille School of Economics and Innsbruck University. In his current research, he studies the design and implementation of fair/stable, efficient, and strategy-proof mechanisms to assign indivisible objects to economic agents (e.g., school/university seats to children/students and related labor markets); and to facilitate exchanges in markets where goods or services are traded without the use of money (e.g., kidney exchange, time banks, and Erasmus exchange).