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2024-07-11: Study co-authored by Klijn received a "Society of Statistics and Operations Research Award" of the BBVA Foundation
Flip Klijn (IAE-CSIC and BSE) and his co-authors Péter Biró, Xenia Klimentova, and Ana Viana received the award in the category "Best applied contribution in Operations Research." The award-winning work, forthcoming in Mathematics of Operations Research, contains theoretical findings, novel integer programming formulations, and simulations to study kidney exchange programs, focusing on the question whether current practices and alternative solutions incentivize each patient to bring the best possible set of donors to the market.

2024-06-21: Job Opening for a Tenured Scientist "Economic Analysis" at the Institute for Economic Analysis (CSIC)
The CSIC has opened the application process for one position of Tenured Scientist (Científico Titular) at the Institute for Economic Analysis. The application deadline is July 19, 2024.

2024-06-21: Job Opening for a Tenured Scientist "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Global Society Domain" at CSIC
The CSIC has opened the application process for one position of Tenured Scientist (Científico Titular) with scientific profile "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Global Society Domain". After successful application, the candidate is invited to join the Institute for Economic Analysis to further strengthen our AI research lines in the social domain. The application deadline is July 19, 2024.

2024-02-15: Reguant, awarded the Catalonian National Research Award for Young Talent 2023
The Government of Catalonia and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI) have awarded ICREA research professor Mar Reguant (IAE-CSIC and BSE) the Catalonian National Research Award for Young Talent 2023. The award recognizes the excellence and significance of her research in the field of energy economics and, particularly, in the economic analysis of the electricity sector and the associated pollution from electricity production.

2024-02-06: Ferrer-i-Carbonell, new president of the Catalan Society of Economics
The Catalan Society of Economics is an academic society created to promote the study and research in the field of economics and to disseminate it throughout the Catalan-speaking territory. The General Assembly ratified the candidacies of Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC and BSE) as President, Judit Vall (UB) as President-Elect, who will assume the Presidency in 2026, and Elisenda Paluzie (UB) as Secretary-Treasurer.

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Propers Workshops

Workshop on Gender and Work - October 14-15, 2024
The workshop is organized by the Institute of Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) with the support of the Observatori Social-Fundació La Caixa (SR22-00042). The organizers are Alícia Adserà (Princeton), Lídia Farré (IAE-CSIC and BSE), Libertad González (UPF and BSE), and Laia Maynou (UB). The keynote speakers are Olle Folke and Paola Profeta.

Totes les Conferències i Tots els Workshops

Publicacions Recents

"War-driven Permanent Emigration, Sex Ratios, and Female Labor Force Participation"
Ana Rute Cardoso and Louis-Philippe Morin, forthcoming in Journal of Human Resources.

"Geographic Mobility of College Students and the Gender Gap in Academic Aspirations"
Lídia Farré and Francesc Ortega, forthcoming in Labor Economics.

“Arctic Environmental Governance: Challenges of Sustainable Development”
Anastassia Obydenkova, Climatic Change, 177, 2024, 105.

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Working Papers Recents

"To Cut or not to Cut: Deforestation Policy under the Shadow of Foreign Influence"
Toke S. Aidt, Facundo Albornoz and Esther Hauk, BSE Working Paper No. 1441 - April 2024.

"Economic Development in Pixels: The Limitations of Nightlights and New Spatially Disaggregated Measures of Consumption and Poverty"
John D. Huber and Laura Mayoral, BSE Working Paper No. 1433 - February 2024.

"Family Restrictions at Work"
Enriqueta Aragonès, BSE Working Paper No. 1429 - February 2024.

Tots els Working Papers Recents

A la Premsa

2024-06-20: Falcone in Innovaspain about left vs. right: it all started in the Reconquista
Stefano Falcone (IAE-CSIC and BSE) showcases his project "Property and Class", which is supported by the ComFuturo (Fundación General CSIC) program, in Innovaspain. His project aims to uncover the historical roots of redistributive conflicts and the differing stances of the political left and right, with a particular focus on the legacy of the Reconquista in Catalonia and its impact on land inequality and political tensions. His research highlights how historical land inequality has fueled class conflicts and continues to influence contemporary political leanings.

2024-04-17: Abc reports on Krauss's study about the characteristics of the scientists who have made the greatest discoveries in science
An article in the Spanish newspaper Abc reports on the findings of a recent study by Alexander Krauss (IAE-CSIC, BSE, and LSE). His study examines the characteristics of scientists behind major scientific discoveries, finding that those with interdisciplinary backgrounds account for a large portion of major breakthroughs. The study also highlights a trend towards increasing age and elitism among discoverers, with top universities contributing notably. The findings suggest that by offering increased incentives, science agencies and research institutions could encourage researchers to break away from the prevailing trend of narrow specialization and instead promote interdisciplinary research, integrating innovative methods across different fields, potentially leading to more discoveries.

2024-03-07: Farré, interviewed by "La Caixa", on the importance of gender economics for a hopeful future
Lídia Farré (IAE-CSIC and BSE) discusses the economic inefficiency and social injustice of gender disparities, advocating for policies promoting equal opportunities and shared domestic duties. While optimistic about the future, she emphasizes the need for increased female participation in STEM fields and leadership roles to achieve genuine gender equality. The interview is accompanied by a short video.

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