In the media

Falcone in Innovaspain about left vs. right: it all started in the Reconquista


Stefano Falcone (IAE-CSIC and BSE) showcases his project "Property and
Class", which is supported by the ComFuturo (Fundación General CSIC)
program, in Innovaspain. His project aims to uncover the historical roots
of redistributive conflicts and the differing stances of the political left
and right, with a particular focus on the legacy of the Reconquista in
Catalonia and its impact on land inequality and political tensions. His
research highlights how historical land inequality has fueled class
conflicts and continues to influence contemporary political leanings.

Falcone in Innovaspain about left vs. right: it all started in the Reconquista


Stefano Falcone (IAE-CSIC and BSE) showcases his project "Property and
Class", which is supported by the ComFuturo (Fundación General CSIC)
program, in Innovaspain. His project aims to uncover the historical roots
of redistributive conflicts and the differing stances of the political left
and right, with a particular focus on the legacy of the Reconquista in
Catalonia and its impact on land inequality and political tensions. His
research highlights how historical land inequality has fueled class
conflicts and continues to influence contemporary political leanings.

Abc reports on Krauss's study about the characteristics of the scientists who have made the greatest discoveries in science


An article in the Spanish newspaper Abc reports on the findings of a recent study by Alexander Krauss (IAE-CSIC, BSE, and LSE). His study examines the characteristics of scientists behind major scientific discoveries, finding that those with interdisciplinary backgrounds account for a large portion of major breakthroughs. The study also highlights a trend towards increasing age and elitism among discoverers, with top universities contributing notably. The findings suggest that by offering increased incentives, science agencies and research institutions could encourage researchers to break away from the prevailing trend of narrow specialization and instead promote interdisciplinary research, integrating innovative methods across different fields, potentially leading to more discoveries.

Farré, interviewed by "La Caixa", on the importance of gender economics for a hopeful future


Lídia Farré (IAE-CSIC and BSE) discusses the economic inefficiency and social injustice of gender disparities, advocating for policies promoting equal opportunities and shared domestic duties. While optimistic about the future, she emphasizes the need for increased female participation in STEM fields and leadership roles to achieve genuine gender equality. The interview is accompanied by a short video.

Farré's co-led study on teleworking after the pandemic, widely mentioned in the press


Lídia Farré (IAE-CSIC and BSE) together with Marta Curull (UB) and Laia Maynou (UB) carried out a study for the Social Observatory of the 'la Caixa' Foundation. The study finds that women's contribution to household chores and childcare is very similar regardless of whether they telecommute or not. However, the difference in men's participation in childcare and household tasks between those who work from home at least one day a week and those who do not is significant.

F-World dedicates a podcast to Mueller's work on conflict forecast


F-World is a podcast series that explores how the forces of fragility arise, interact, and manifest in the systems that make up our lives. One podcast is fully dedicated to Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC and BSE) and his work on forecasting conflict. Mueller explains the role of machine learning and why this research project has become a key resource for global work on conflict prevention. He also gives a live demonstration of, which is based on millions of newspaper articles.

Mueller's work on artificial intelligence to spot future violent conflicts, covered by The National


An article in The National discusses Conflict Forecast, a project set up by Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC and BSE) and Christopher Rauh and that uses artificial intelligence to predict where in the world outbreaks of violence are likely to occur.

Rodríguez on the new temporary tax on credit institutions in Spain


In an article of the newspaper Cinco Días, Hugo Rodríguez (IAE-CSIC and BSE) reviews the arguments that each party puts forward to defend their position, in favor or against, on the new temporary tax on credit institutions in Spain.

Rodríguez on recent fluctuations in Euribor rates


In an article of the newspaper El País, Hugo Rodríguez (IAE-CSIC and BSE) comments on recent fluctuations in Euribor rates and financial instability.

Freire on rebound effects in energy and climate policies and potential solutions


In an article published at the OECD Forum Network, Jaume Freire (IAE-CSIC and BSE) discusses whether current energy efficiency and conservation policies may generate undesired effects that hinder achieving sustainability or mitigating climate change.

Rodríguez on upcoming changes in interest rates


In an article of the newspaper El País, Hugo Rodríguez (IAE-CSIC and BSE) comments on upcoming higher interest rates and the negative consequences for both existing and future mortgages.

Ferrer-i-Carbonell on social cohesion, equality of opportunities, and renewable energy


Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC, BSE, IZA) participated in a roundtable organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona on indicators of progress and well-being beyond GDP.

Mueller on forecasts of the risk of armed conflict


Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC and BSE) was interviewed by RNE5 (Spanish National Radio) on the website The website was launched by an international research team led by him and Christopher Rauh (University of Cambridge) and offers forecasts of the risk of armed conflict in countries around the world.

Ferrer-i-Carbonell on women in science and COVID19 measures


Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC, BSE, IZA) was interviewed by magazine "Pensem" on women in science. She commented on her academic life and research interests as well as on the COVID19 measures.

Ferrer-i-Carbonell on well-being and mental health in times of the COVID19 pandemia


Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC, BSE, IZA) participated in a roundtable organized by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
on the COVID19 pandemia. She argued that issues of mental health, subjective well-being, and trust between authorities and citizens require that decision-making teams incorporate experts from a variety of fields.

Ferrer-i-Carbonell on communication and recent measures in the COVID19 crisis


Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC, Barcelona GSE, IZA) participated in a radio program (RAC1) on recent restrictions and measures in the COVID19 crisis. She commented on communication between authorities and citizens, mental health, and meeting the needs of youth.

Farré on measures to tackle the gender gap exacerbated by the COVID19 crisis


Lídia Farré, affiliated researcher at the IAE-CSIC, participated in the Economic Reactivation Working group (of the Commission for Social and Economic Reconstruction) at the Congreso de los Diputados. During her intervention (2h34m and 3h27m) she proposed measures to tackle the gender gap exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis.

Rodríguez on economic growth in the 2020s


In an article of "La República", Hugo Rodríguez (IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE) gives his view on how factors such as protectionism, new technologies, and climate change may impact the global economy and the possible role of capitalism and circular economies therein.

Saiz, Fernández-Huertas Moraga, Ferrer-i-Carbonell on immigrant locations and native residential preferences in Spain


The "Observatorio Social" of La Caixa has announced to publish the results of a study carried out by Albert Saiz (MIT), Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga (UC3M), and Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC, Barcelona GSE, IZA). Their study argues that conventional empirical methods overstate the degree of native flight in situations where ethnic-minority arrivals spur the creation of new neighborhoods.

Farré, Fasani, and Mueller on mental disorders due to long-term unemployment in Spain


The "Observatorio Social" of La Caixa has published the results of a study carried out by Lídia Farré (University of Barcelona, IAE-CSIC, and IZA), Francesco Fasani (Queen Mary University of London), and Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC and BGSE). The study analyzes the effects of the collapse of the Spanish construction sector, which left many of its workers out of the labor market for long periods.

AEA Video: Besley and Mueller on predation, protection, and productivity


The American Economic Association has produced a short video summarizing the findings of a paper by Timothy Besley (LSE) and Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC and BGSE) published in the April issue of the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. In their paper, the authors examine the impact on a nation's economy when the state fails to protect companies from criminal threats.

Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell comments on happiness


On the International Day of Happiness, Ada-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC) comments in the TV3 program "Tot es mou" on the role of age, income, crisis, and public policy in experiencing and achieving happiness (starting 02:25).

Albert Marcet comments on Trump


In an item of the news broadcast of TV3, Albert Marcet (IAE-CSIC) comments on the consequences of Donald Trump's election victory in terms of a possible slow-down in globalization.

Hannes Mueller on outbreaks of civil conflict, Onda Cero


In a radio interview for Onda Cero, Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC) explains how the analysis of 1 million newspaper articles can be a tool to predict possible outbreaks of civil conflict over the world.

Lídia Farré on paternity leave in Spain, Ara


In an article in the newspaper Ara, Lídia Farré (UB and IAE-CSIC) discusses the effects of possible changes in the current rules for paternity leaves in terms of gender equality and access to the job market in Spain.

Ada Ferrer on migration in Spain, Spanish public TV


Ada Ferrer (IAE-CSIC) discusses her research on migration in Spain (joint work with A. Saiz and J. Fernández-Huertas) in the program "Lab24" broadcast by RTVE (from 6:20 to 8:30)

Lídia Farré on terrorism and integration of immigrants, Ara


In an article in the newspaper Ara, Lídia Farré (UB and IAE-CSIC) discusses the integration of immigrants in Spain and how, in a wider context, acts of terrorism could hamper integration and consequently give rise to social and economic conflicts.

Ángel de la Fuente on regional financing in Spain, El País


Ángel de la Fuente (IAE-CSIC) is a member of the team that introduced a new methodology to calculate the fiscal balances of the Spanish autonomous regions.

Francesco Fasani on Immigration Policy and Crime


Francesco Fasani (IAE-CSIC) presented a report on "Immigration Policy and Crime" (with P. Pinotti, L. Gazzé and M. Tonello) in the XV
European Conference of the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti. Leading Italian newspapers including il Sole 24ORE and la Repubblica featured the event and mentioned the report.

Distinguished members of CSIC at UAB support Clara Ponsatí


La Vanguardia, May 10: The Directors of CSIC Institutes at the campus of UAB have signed a letter of support for Clara Ponsatí.

Joan Esteban on Polarization, Fractionalization and Conflict in El Mundo


Joan Esteban (IAE-CSIC) describes and illustrates a study with Laura Mayoral (IAE-CSIC) and Debraj Ray (New York University) which reveals that many conflicts and wars can be rationalized.

Consequences of the Financial Crisis in Spain


In an article of the newspaper "El Periódico" Hugo Rodríguez
(IAE-CSIC) and Héctor Sala (UAB) discuss the management of the financial crisis in Spain, the bailout of banks, and its consequences for many families.

Joan Esteban on Civil Wars in La Vanguardia


Joan Esteban (IAE-CSIC) explains some findings of a joint study with Laura Mayoral (IAE-CSIC) and Debraj Ray (New York University) about the causes of many contemporary wars

Ángel de la Fuente on Human Capital, El País


A study led by Ángel de la Fuente (IAE-CSIC) quantifies the economic
value of education for both the individual and society.

Ángel de la Fuente on Spain


In an interview by La Nueva Españ, Ángel de la Fuente (IAE-CSIC) explains the effects of the budget cuts that result from the conditions imposed by the European Union.

Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell writes about Subjective Well-Being, La Vanguardia


Several studies have shown that a wide range of factors (and not just wealth) determine individual happiness.

Lídia Farré writes about Youth Unemployment in Spain, El Periodico (+Valor)


Youth unemployment in Spain is a structural problem that requires deep labor market and educational reforms.

About the Spanish labor market reform (Lídia Farré in diari ARA)


Lídia Farré (IAE-CSIC) evaluates the critical aspects of the recent Spanish Labor Market Reform in the catalan press "diari Ara".

Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell on Happiness and Economics


In an interview by Catalunya Ràdio, Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC) talks about her research on economic growth and happiness.

Mediation in Negotiations: Game Theory in Practice


A recent article in The Economist mentions the work of Clara Ponsatí (IAE-CSIC) on mediated negotiations and the potential of computer software as a neutral third party in complex negotiations.

Laia Balcells has been awarded the 2011 Gregory Luebbert Best Article Prize


Laia Balcells (IAE-CSIC) together with Stathis N. Kalyvas have been awarded the 2011Gregory Luebbert Best Article Prize for their article “International System and Technologies of Rebellion: How the End of the Cold War Shaped Internal Conflict,” American Political Science Review, 104 (3), 415-429.

Francesco Fasani - Crime and Immigration


"La Repubblica" stresses the finding in a recent paper by Francesco Fasani (IAE-CSIC): increasing labour market opportunities for asylum seekers may have positive effects on crime.

Mind the Gap? Europe chasing the US


"The Economist" quotes a paper by Ana Rute Cardoso (IAE-CSIC), Paulo Guimaraes and Klaus Zimmermann according to which the research productivity gap between Europe and the US closes.

Joan Esteban - Interview on Spanish Public Television


Video (45 min): interview of Joan Esteban (IAE-CSIC) on Spanish public television (Científicos de Frontera), December 26th, 2010.

La inmigración en Cataluña


IAE (CSIC) researchers Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga and Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell examine the effects of the tremendous migration flows experienced in recent years in Catalunya. The report has been commissioned by the Centre d'Estudis de Temes Contemporanis (CETC) and has been just published in the idees magazine.