
Study co-authored by Klijn received a "Society of Statistics and Operations Research Award" of the BBVA Foundation


Flip Klijn (IAE-CSIC and BSE) and his co-authors Péter Biró, Xenia Klimentova, and Ana Viana received the award in the category "Best applied contribution in Operations Research." The award-winning work, forthcoming in Mathematics of Operations Research, contains theoretical findings, novel integer programming formulations, and simulations to study kidney exchange programs, focusing on the question whether current practices and alternative solutions incentivize each patient to bring the best possible set of donors to the market.

Job Opening for a Tenured Scientist "Economic Analysis" at the Institute for Economic Analysis (CSIC)


The CSIC has opened the application process for one position of Tenured Scientist (Científico Titular) at the Institute for Economic Analysis. The application deadline is July 19, 2024.

Job Opening for a Tenured Scientist "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Global Society Domain" at CSIC


The CSIC has opened the application process for one position of Tenured Scientist (Científico Titular) with scientific profile "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Global Society Domain". After successful application, the candidate is invited to join the Institute for Economic Analysis to further strengthen our AI research lines in the social domain. The application deadline is July 19, 2024.

Opening for post-doc position to study the use of text-based measures for social science research


The post-doc will join a research group between the IAE (CSIC) and the IIIA (CSIC). The proposed work is in the intersection of computer science and quantitative social science, bringing cutting edge methods in NLP to the study of social and political disruptions. Deadline June 1, 2024.

Reguant, awarded the Catalonian National Research Award for Young Talent 2023


The Government of Catalonia and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI) have awarded ICREA research professor Mar Reguant (IAE-CSIC and BSE) the Catalonian National Research Award for Young Talent 2023. The award recognizes the excellence and significance of her research in the field of energy economics and, particularly, in the economic analysis of the electricity sector and the associated pollution from electricity production.

Ferrer-i-Carbonell, new president of the Catalan Society of Economics


The Catalan Society of Economics is an academic society created to promote the study and research in the field of economics and to disseminate it throughout the Catalan-speaking territory. The General Assembly ratified the candidacies of Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC and BSE) as President, Judit Vall (UB) as President-Elect, who will assume the Presidency in 2026, and Elisenda Paluzie (UB) as Secretary-Treasurer.

Flip Klijn, appointed new director of the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC)


Flip Klijn is a scientific researcher at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) and a research professor at the Barcelona School of Economics. He holds a M.Sc. in Mathematics from Radboud University Nijmegen (NL) and a Ph.D. in Economics from Tilburg University (NL). His main research areas are matching theory, market design, game theory, and operations research. He has been a research fellow at Harvard Business School and has published in leading journals such as American Economic Review, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Theory, and Mathematics of Operations Research.

Ferrer-i-Carbonell, participant in study on key factors of life satisfaction in Catalonia


The Direcció General d'Anàlisi i Prospectiva (Generalitat de Catalunya) carried out a study on subjective well-being in close collaboration with experts from a variety of institutions and scientific fields. Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC and BSE) was one of the study's collaborators. At the official presentation of the study, she reviewed the methodology and statistical approach that were employed.

Llull has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for his project "Optimal Immigration Policy"


Joan Llull (IAE-CSIC and BSE) has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for his project "Optimal Immigration Policy". The project seeks to design optimal immigration policies that maximize benefits from immigration for both origin and destination countries and compensate negatively affected individuals for their losses. By exploring five key policy instruments and employing a sophisticated dynamic equilibrium framework, the project will provide policymakers with valuable insights to leverage the positive impacts of migration while minimizing potential drawbacks.

Falcone, participant in the Science Slam of CSIC Catalunya


The "Nit de la Recerca" organized by the CSIC in Catalonia aims to make science come alive in a fun and approachable way. Francesco Falcone (IAE-CSIC and BSE) participates in a Science Slam where he gives a micro-talk about the medieval foundation of contemporary social conflict.

Braccioli, recipient of a Young Economist Award from the European Economic Association


Federica Braccioli (IAE-CSIC and BSE) received the award for her single-authored study "The Institutional Role of the Italian Mafia: Enforcing Contracts When the State Does Not". The paper provides a unified framework to study the interactions between the ineffectiveness of the Italian state in contract enforcement and the demand for the Mafia’s services.

New ICREA Research Professor Mar Reguant joins the IAE


We are very happy to welcome Mar Reguant who joins the Institute for Economic Analysis as an ICREA Research Professor. Mar Reguant's research deals with the economics of energy, with an emphasis on electricity and the pollution associated with electricity generation.

Call for candidates for Director of the IAE


The Institute for Economic Analysis (CSIC) calls for candidates for the position of Director. The deadline for submitting nominations is September 20, 2023.

A study co-authored by Mueller has received a "Society of Statistics and Operations Research Award" of the BBVA Foundation


Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC and BSE) and his co-authors Andre Groeger, Jonathan Hersh, Andrea Matranga, and Joan Serrat received the award in the Data Science and Big Data modality. The award-winning work, which was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, introduces a method that applies machine learning to detect the demolition of buildings by artillery. The method allows for almost real-time monitorization of destruction in wars and aims to improve the humanitarian response.

Brandts acting as a coordinator and contributor of the CSIC "Science for Policy" reports


The "Science for Policy" reports are part of a strategic project promoted by the presidency of the CSIC. Prepared by teams of CSIC researchers, these documents address major scientific and social challenges and aim to serve as a bridge between research centers and policy makers to contribute to the definition of public policies based on scientific evidence. Jordi Brandts (IAE-CSIC and BSE) acted as a coordinator and contributor.

Ferrer-i-Carbonell appointed as coordinator of the CSIC global area of "Society"


Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC) has been appointed as coordinator of the CSIC scientific area "Society". The commission that Ferrer-i-Carbonell coordinates aims to contribute to the strengthening of the scientific and organizational strategy of the CSIC as one of the CSIC advisory bodies.

The Institute for Economic Analysis publishes its 2021-2022 report


The report offers an overview of the research activities carried out by the members of the Institute for Economic Analysis in 2021 and 2022.

Job Openings at the Institute for Economic Analysis (CSIC): Tenured Scientist and Scientific Researcher


The CSIC has opened the application process for two positions at the Institute for Economic Analysis: one position for a Tenured Scientist (Científico Titular) and one position for a Scientific Researcher (Investigador Científico). The application deadline is March 24, 2023.

A study co-led by Ferrer-i-Carbonell aims to better understand what generates well-being among the Catalan population


A study of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya will survey 4000 people about a variety of factors that contribute to their level of satisfaction with life. The objective is to better understand society and to have a useful tool for the Generalitat de Catalunya to be able to make informed decisions as well as for other institutions and entities that work for citizens' well-being. The study is led by Beth Espinalt of the General Directorate of Analysis and Prospecting of the Department of the Presidency and by Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC, BSE, IZA). In the preparation of the study more than 17 experts from different fields and institutions collaborated.

The new president of the CSIC, Eloísa del Pino, visited the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC)


The president of the CSIC, Eloísa del Pino, visited several CSIC centers in Catalonia, including the Institute for Economic Analysis, where she met with management teams and personnel to discuss the immediate needs and challenges of each center. She was accompanied by the Vice President of Organization and Institutional Relations, Carlos Closa, and the Institutional Delegate of the CSIC in Catalonia, Luis Calvo.

Jordi Brandts, new director of the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC)


Jordi Brandts is a research professor at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) and at the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE). He holds a B.A. in Economics from the UAB and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. His main area of research is experimental economics studying a large variety of questions and problems. From 2008 to 2013 he held the Serra-Ramoneda / Catalunya Caixa Chair in the Business Department of the UAB. He has been European Vice President of the Association of Economic Sciences. Since 2021 he is on the Advisory Board of the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB).

The mayor of Barcelona appoints Ferrer-i-Carbonell as president of the Scientific Council Board


Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC, BSE, IZA) is president of Barcelona's scientific council board that consists of assessors from different universities and research centers and that advises the Department of Science and Universities in the deployment of scientific policies.

A project co-authored by Jordi Brandts has been selected in La Caixa's call for experimental research in the social sciences


The "social observatory" of La Caixa Support has published an article co-authored by Jordi Brandts (IAE-CSIC and BSE) that studies the question whether providing scientific evidence helps to dispel widespread unfounded beliefs held by the general public. Specifically, the study focuses on rent capping whose support is very widespread because it is thought that it will enable more people to gain access to housing. However, most academic studies show that the measure does not have the desired impact. Using an experiment, the authors show that providing the public with written scientific arguments about the real effects of the measure leads to a remarkable reduction in the belief.

An international research team co-led by Hannes Mueller uses machine learning to obtain alerts of violent political conflicts


Preventing the outbreak and escalation of armed conflicts has become a central objective of international organizations. An international research team led by Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC and BSE) and Christopher Rauh (University of Cambridge) has launched the website to offer forecasts of the risk of armed conflict in countries around the world. The forecast method, which uses machine learning techniques, is based on a database of more than 5 million newspaper articles which are updated continuously and aims to provide policy-makers with some early warning before existing tensions escalate into armed conflict. Forecasts are updated regularly and can be downloaded easily.

The Institute for Economic Analysis publishes its 2019-2020 report


The report offers an overview of the research activities carried out by the members of the Institute for Economic Analysis in 2019 and 2020.

Members of the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) participate in CSIC white papers


The Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) has launched 14 strategic themes to coordinate cutting-edge and multidisciplinary research teams that expand the frontiers of knowledge. These themes will function as large research teams to enhance synergy between areas of knowledge. For Theme 1, "New Foundations for a Sustainable Global Society" (see 3h08m30s), Jordi Brandts (IAE-CSIC and BSE) and Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC and BSE) are co-coordinators of Challenge 5, "Technological Change and New Forms of Work / Employment in Society" and Challenge 8, "Social Inclusion Strategies and Policies in Sustainable Welfare Systems", respectively.

Ursula Mello has been awarded an AXA post-doctoral fellowship


We are pleased to announce the great news that Ursula Mello (IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE) has been awarded an AXA post-doctoral fellowship for two years, in order to support her project "Public Policies for Tackling Inequality" at the IAE-CSIC. She will study how governmental policy could reduce inequality in access to higher education. All our congratulations go to Ursula who made it through a significant competition for this grant. Her project is one of just eight projects worldwide (and the only one in Spain) to receive funding.

Four-year PhD Scholarship


The IAE-CSIC invites applications for one PhD Scholarship ("contrato predoctoral 2020") under the research project �Inequalities: The Crossroad of Labor, Education, and Financial Markets�, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, reference PDI2019-108144GB-100.

Joan Esteban has been elected Fellow of the Econometric Society


The Econometric Society is an international society for the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics. Fellows represent the highest authority in the Society.

Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Member of the Advisory Council of the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona


Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC, Barcelona GSE, IZA) is member of the recently created Advisory Council of the Office of Economic and Infrastructure Studies, which consists of ten academics and economists of renowned prestige.

Lidia Farré, Francesc Ortega, and Ryuichi Tanaka have been awarded a Best Paper Award


The Editors of Labour Economics selected Lidia Farré (University of Barcelona, IAE-CSIC, and IZA), Francesc Ortega (Queens College CUNY), and Ryuichi Tanaka (University of Tokyo) as recipients of the journal's Best Paper Award for "Immigration and the Public-Private School Choice", Labour Economics (2018), Vol 51, 184-201.

The Institute for Economic Analysis publishes its 2016-2018 report


The report offers an overview of the research activities that have taken place at the Institute for Economic Analysis during the years 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Carmen Herrero has been awarded the 2017 Rey Jaume I prize in Economics


Frequent IAE visitor and dear friend Carmen Herrero (University of Alicante) has been awarded this year's Rey Jaume I prize in Economics for her contributions in different fields of research, her extensive presence in national and international professional forums and committees, and her contributions to academic institutions.

Hannes Mueller is tenured scientist at IAE-CSIC


We are very happy that Hannes Mueller successfully completed his "oposición" and now has a permanent position as tenured scientist at IAE-CSIC.

Roberto Burguet, Ramon Caminal, and Matthew Ellman have been awarded a Best Paper Award


The Editors of the International Journal of Industrial Organization selected Roberto Burguet, Ramon Caminal and Matthew Ellman as recipients of the journal's Best Paper Award for, "In Google we trust?", International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 39, March 2015, Pages 44–55.

Hannes Mueller has been awarded a grant from Fundación BBVA


Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC) was awarded one of the 2016 research grants offered by Fundación BBVA. The project will use automatic text analysis of 1 million newspaper articles to predict the outbreak of civil conflict one year before it occurs.

Albert Marcet has been awarded the 2016 Rey Jaume I prize in Economics


Albert Marcet (ICREA Research Professor, IAE-CSIC) was awarded this year's Rey Jaume I prize in Economics for his macroeconomic research that has contributed to "improvements in the analytical instruments used by central banks and governments."

Barcelona Graduate School of Economics receives 2nd Severo Ochoa Research Excellence Distinction


The Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, of which the Institute for Economic Analysis is an academic unit, has been selected to receive its second Severo Ochoa Research Excellence Distinction (2016-2019) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

Joan Maria Esteban has been awarded the Diversity Prize 2014 from the Urrutia Elejalde Foundation.


The FUE-Diversity Prize Committee awarded Joan Maria Esteban (IAE-CSIC) this year's prize for his path-breaking contributions to economics and the social sciences ranging from regional economics, monetary economics, political economy, to social polarization.

Omar Licandro has been appointed Secretary General of the International Economic Association


Professor Omar Licandro (IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE) has been named Secretary General of the International Economic Association. He will take over the position from fellow IAE-CSIC member and Barcelona GSE Research Professor, Joan Mª Esteban.

RecerCaixa grant awarded to Lidia Farré, Francesco Fasani, and Hannes Mueller


IAE-CSIC researchers Lidia Farré, Francesco Fasani, and Hannes
Mueller received a grant from the 2012 edition of the RecerCaixa
program. Their project "Coping Strategies of Young People in the
Midst of the Spanish Crisis" was among the 25 winning projects out of 369 applications submitted for this call.

ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Albert Marcet


Our ICREA Research Professor Albert Marcet, Director of Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC) and Barcelona GSE Affiliate Professor, has received the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant for his project, “Asset Prices and Macro Policy when Agents Learn”.

Professor Teresa Garcia-Milà named Director of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics


The economist Teresa Garcia-Milà has been named Director of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, substituting Eduard Vallory who directed the institution since its foundation in 2006. Teresa Garcia-Milà is professor of Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and affiliated professor of the Barcelona GSE. She is an expert in Macroeconomics and Public Economics.

Francesco Fasani has been awarded a Best Ph.D. Thesis Award


In its 2nd edition, the Scientific Committee of the UniCredit &
Universities Foundation has selected Francesco Fasani's (IAE-CSIC)
dissertation as one of the six best Ph.D. theses in Economics and

Ethnicity and Conflict: Theory and Facts


In a recent publication in Science, Joan Maria Esteban (IAE-CSIC), Laura Mayoral (IAE-CSIC) and Debray Ray (IAE-CSIC and New York University) show that two different measures of ethnic division, namely polarization and fractionalization, jointly influence the probabilities of civil conflict.

Round Table on "Exits from the Crisis: Labor Reforms and Beyond"


Round table on "Exits from the Crisis: Labor Reform and Beyond", Friday March 23rd at 12:00, Chaired by Ramon Marimon (President of the Barcelona GSE). Confirmed participants, Orley Ashenfelter, Jacques Drèze, Robert Lucas (Nobel Laureate) James A. Mirrlees (Nobel Laureate) and Edward C. Prescott (Nobel Laureate) among others.

Francesco Fasani has been awarded the 2011 Economic Journal referee prize


The Economic Journal recognizes the exceptional contribution of Francesco Fasani (IAE-CSIC) in his services for the journal's peer review process.

Albert Marcet elected Fellow of the Econometric Society


We are very pleased with the election of Albert Marcet (IAE-CSIC) as Fellow of the Econometric Society (as of November 2011). The Econometric Society is the most prestigious learned society in the field of Economics.

Severo Ochoa Program distinguishes Barcelona GSE as one of the top 8 international research centers in Spain


As a founding partner of the Barcelona GSE, the IAE-CSIC celebrates the recognition of the Barcelona GSE as one of the eight top research institutions of excellence with an international impact in the framework of the Severo Ochoa Program (sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation).

Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell has been appointed Associate Editor of JEBO


Since April 2011 Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC) is one of the associate editors of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. The journal is devoted to theoretical and empirical research concerning economic decision, organization and behavior and to economic change in all its aspects.

Why are Reforms so Politically Difficult?


Alessandra Bonfiglioli (IAE-CSIC) and Gino Gancia (CREI and UPF) contribute to the current debate on reforms with a column on VOX, suggesting that periods of high uncertainty are good for the adoption of reforms since their political cost is lower.

The Nobel Laureates meet with young talented Spanish researchers


Lídia Farré (IAE-CSIC) is one of the 10 young researchers selected to meet this summer with 44 Nobel Laureates. The meeting is part of The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (Germany).

Laia Balcells Research Grant from The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation


Laia Balcells (IAE-CSIC) has been awarded a Research Grant from The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, 2011 to pursue research on “Dynamics of Violence in Conventional Civil Wars”

Job Opening: Early Stage Researchers Position (PhD students)


Field: Development Economics.

Joan Esteban has been appointed Secretary General of the International Economic Association (2011-2017)


Joan Esteban has been appointed Secretary General of the International Economic Association, Joseph Stiglitz, President of the IEA, announced. He will serve a six-year term, effective 2011.

Job Opening Research Fellow


Fields: Migration and/or Development.

Ramon Caminal has been awarded the XII Premi Catalunya d


Ramon Caminal has been awarded the XII Premi Catalunya d'Economia for his work on Markets and Linguistic Diversity. This award is granted by the Societat Catalana d'Economia of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, and sponsored by Caixa Catalunya.

Evaluation by External Panel Awards Top Grades (5-5,5-5) to the IAE


As part of the preparatory process for the 2010-13 CSIC Plan of Action, all CSIC centers have been evaluated by external panels composed of distinguished international  scholars.  The committee for the Social Sciences and Humanities has evaluated the IAE as follows.
a) Evaluation in the context of the CSIC:  5 over 5.
b) Evaluation in the international context: 5 over 5.

Economic and Social Polarization drive Violent Conflict, concludes International Research Project


The "Polarization and Conflict" (PAC) EU research project, headed by Joan Esteban (IAE-CSIC), shared key findings of the 4-year initiative in a concluding conference at LSE on March 7th-8th, 2008.

Job Openings: Tenured Scientist and Research Professor


Tenured Scientist (Científico Titular): two positions, and Research Professor (Profesor de Investigación): one position. The official call will appear soon in the Boletín Oficial del Estado. The selection process will take place in the Fall. Contact us for further information.